Sunday, January 10, 2010


ALL of my classes are in Spanish. Typing and facebook is my English for the day, and it is a great relaxation technique. I take advanced Spanish class Monday through Friday from 8am to 12pm and Fonetica y Fonologia (Phonetics and Phonology in Spanish) from 1-3pm on Tuesday's and Thursday's. I am really thankful to be at a level where I was able to be in all Spanish classes, but it does do a number on the brain by the end of the day. I forgot the word for tenedor (fork) the other day in English at a restaurant while chatting with one of my study abroad buddies. Honestly my brain forgets Spanish words all the time, never English words nonetheless that have anything to do with eating. I will change my 8am class each month to a more challenging class and hopefully the time slot will change as well because 8am is mighty early. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a morning person, but I have done very well not falling asleep in class each day. One of the best parts about the classes are the teachers. I have the same teacher for both classes, but have come in contact with other teachers through friends. In the advanced levels we are not allowed to speak ANY English, even when answering/asking what something means. It is like a big game of chirades, lots of hand gestures and running circles around the point. It is especially hard when describing accronyms...I'd rather spell it out (litterally) than describing something ridiculous like the IRS. Ugh!! It is good for me (sigh) I walk to school everyday, uphill both ways by the way, and I wear sandles while doing so (so I'm pretty much barefoot)~ love it. Campus is pretty much all outside, we have a roof and classrooms in a building but it is very open with breeze ways and open entrances (beautiful)

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