Saturday, May 15, 2010

San Ramon "Moncho"

San Ramon or "Moncho" as the locals call it, is a little town outside of San Jose. In this town lives a friend of a friend named Yiyo. Yiyo loves living in Moncho and takes the public bus to school each way for an hour because he would rather live with his family there than in San Jose. He lives in a studio apartment above his Grandmother's house (his Grandmother's house is the most beautiful and creative pieces of art I have ever seen, it is so delicately polished like a cave in the mountains with a million different crystals and gems to look at) that overlooks the city. We went up on his balcony at about 5 in the evening when the sun was just perfect and the sky was filled with colors of rosado, amarillo, anaranjado, morado...basically a rainbow. His family owns an awesome burger joint called Bugy's which serves some killer burgers with fries on the burger. Neat little town with a really cool church in the middle of the plaza (just like all the other neat little towns haha)

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